Thursday, May 9, 2013

Song Spotlight: Machine

So far, I've been giving plenty of love to Korean and Japanese artists, but let's not forget the amazing artists from China! China's music scene is still evolving, but recently, K-pop and C-pop have been coming together and making some beautiful music. China has always been ace at ballads, but now they're perfecting their dance pop with a little help from experts on the K-pop scene. One of my favorite projects is EXO, which is divided into a Korean division EXO-K and a Chinese division EXO-M. And as much as I love my K-pop, I'm going to have to shout out to EXO-M for in many cases out performing EXO-K on their shared tracks. "Machine," for example, is all about the Chinese music and lyrics over the Korean, in my opinion. Whichever you prefer, it's clear these Chinese performers are taking a step in the right direction!

She's a Ma-Ma-Ma-Machine!

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