Friday, February 22, 2013

Song Spotlight: Life

The "FT" in Korea's top pop rocker group F.T. Island's name stands for "Five Treasure," and the five treasures surely refer to Jooghoon, Hongki, Minhwan, Seunghyun, and Jaejin, the five amazing and truly talented boys who comprise the group. Their Korean comeback album from 2012, Five Treasure Box, was a fantastic follow-up to F.T. Island's successful Japanese career, and it was refreshing to hear the group singing once again in their native language. Plenty of tracks blew me away on this disc, but in particular, "Life" struck me as a standout track, especially in regards to Hongki's vocal performance. Though F.T. Island sounds terrific in Japanese, I hope they'll continue to produce more music in the Korean-language in the near future!

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