Monday, September 24, 2012

Theme Spotlight: Shiawase no Iro

One of the interesting elements of the Ah! My Goddess television series is how heavily the opening and closing tracks borrow from the sensibilities of Celtic style music, paying homage to the bagpipes and winds of both Ireland and Scotland. Of course, one of singer Yoko Ishida's strong suits is being able to blend cultures and make it come out as a perfectly interwoven tapestry rather than a hodgepodge of different cultures. 'Shiawase no Iro,' the opening of the second season showcases this ability of hers perfectly. If you're a fan of music, you can probably identify a handful of different styles she uses, but all of them add up together to form one cohesive song. This is a tune Belldandy herself would have no qualms belting out with the help of Holy Bell!

Who better to sing tracks for a show about goddesses than a woman with a voice like a goddess?

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